The Ghazipur protest site — one of the key sites of the farmers on Delhi borders — witnessed a high-octane drama on Thursday night amid apprehension that authorities will vacate the site. Bharatiya Kisan Union spokesperson Rakesh Tikait on Thursday evening addressed the protesters and said he would not leave the site. His emotional video went viral and several farmers from Haryana started from their villages after watching his video where he said he would commit suicide at the camp if the administration used force. Here are the top 10 updates:
> Rumours that the Ghazipur site will be vacated started spreading on Thursday as resistance from locals was reported from Singhu, the main site of the ongoing protest.
> It was reported that electricity was disconnected at the Ghazipur site. There was a huge deployment of cops at the site.
> Though there was no written order, Ghaziabad district magistrate Ajay Shankar Pandey reportedly asked the protesters to vacate the spot by Thursday night.
Farmer leader Naresh Tikait says the protest will end today, brother Rakesh says will continue agitation
> On Wednesday night, the Baghpat administration removed protesters from a site in Uttar Pradesh and said no force was used. A similar move was being apprehended at the Ghazipur site.
> The image of the peaceful protest was sullied after Republic Day violence in which several policemen were injured. Though union leaders washed their hands off the violence, they are under fire now. This had hit the morale of the protesters at Ghazipur on Thursday and the protest site wore a calm look during the day.
> Rakesh Tikait’s brother Naresh Tikait who is in Muzaffarnagar on Thursday said the Ghazipur protest will end. Rakesh Tikait differed and said he will stick to the protest.
> The mood started to change after evening. After Rakesh Tikait broke down while addressing the protesters, the crowd at Ghazipur swelled.
> At midnight, Tikait again addressed the protesters at Ghazipur site and said more farmers will be joining the site. He also appealed for peaceful protest.
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